20 Things I Learned After Starting Medical School at 20
#1 Everyone will be super happy for you- Family, friends, and people you haven’t spoken to in years will come out of the woodwork to congratulate you on your medical school acceptance. Prepare yourself for comments under your Instagram photos from the cat lady across the street or your old Girl Scouts troop leader saying, “I always knew you’d become a doctor!” #TheyLyin #ItsOk
#2 Your white coat ceremony will feel like the best day of your life- NOTHING and I repeat nothing is fresher than an official white coat with your name stitched in it. I Promise. Parents and relatives will go crazy snapping pictures of you, so be ready to smile and wave.
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#3 Facebook friend requests will pour in- Once your relatives and friends tag you in all of the pictures they took at your white coat ceremony, people you sorta know (but don’t really know) will send you friend requests. That girl who never spoke to you in English class, Sister Patterson from church, and your ex from 1st grade will all want to be your friend now that you poppin.
#4 You’re going to feel like you’re on top of the world and can do anything-You’ll walk into your first day of classes like
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#5 You’ll walk out like
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#6 Within 3 days of class you’ll have “reviewed” everything you ever learned in undergrad. You thought taking Biochem 1 & 2 would give you an extra edge in medical school?? THINK AGAIN.
#7 You’ll be spending a lot more time in the library.- The security guards will recognize you and no longer ask you to show your ID. All of the librarians will call you by your first name and allow you to bring your $5 Popeye’s Box into the library.
#8 Study groups are key. Find yourself some “real ones” to hold you down, especially when you don’t understand something. Medical school can be challenging at times, so it’s great to have people to help you out along the way. #MajorKey
#9 Everyone will think you’re already a doctor. Who cares if you’ve been in medical school for 3 weeks?? Your mom will expect you to diagnose her foot pains, and friends will ask you if it's "safe' to consume and entire pack of Oreos in one sitting.
#10 You’ll start to miss the little things- You’ll be in the library studying when you really want to be outside like
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#11 Sometimes no matter how much you study, it’ll never be enough. Thinking about your upcoming test will have you like
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#12 Anatomy lab will take you out of your comfort zone- Last year you were a normal human being. Today you’re cutting cadavers open. Get ready for your clothes and hands to wreak of formaldehyde and God knows what else for hours after you leave lab. Despite the initial discomfort, also prepare to be increasingly impressed with the beauty and complexity of the human body.
#13 Some of your classmates will be more into anatomy lab than you are- As you watch Keke split open your cadaver’s stomach like a Thanksgiving turkey without blinking an eye, you’ll wonder if she’s Freddy Krueger’s offspring.
#14 People will stay asking you, “How’s medical school?” instead of “How are you?” or “How are you doing?” After you lie and tell them that things are going fantastically, you’ll have to redirect the conversation to normal topics like the unsettling rise of Donald Trump or Frappucinno Happy Hour at Starbucks.
#15 You’ll become a master at “choosing your L’s” You can't win at everything! Some lecture concepts will go completely over your head or you won't realize that you skipped a whole lecture until literally 3 hrs before your test. It’s ok (at least that's what I tell myself)! Focus on your strengths. And take your L’s like a G.
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#16 Acing a test is the best feeling in the world.
Me on a couple of occasions:
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#17 Snapchat will become your enemy. - Watching your friends’ snapchat stories at parties, shopping, eating, and a number of other lituations will make you feel like:
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#17 Snapchat will become your enemy. - Watching your friends’ snapchat stories at parties, shopping, eating, and a number of other lituations will make you feel like:
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#19 You’ll finally turn in your last exam like
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#20 This year will be the most challenging and rewarding year of your life. Get ready to laugh. Get ready to cry. Get ready to grow. Get ready to make lifelong friends.
My lovely classmates and me
Originally published:7/11/16